Annual 2K/5K Family Fun Run-Walk
Enjoy a day of family fun!
Snacks * Music * Vendors * Raffles * Small Children's Games * Finisher Medals for All *
T-Shirts for Early Registers * Trophies for 1st-3rd Place Male/Female and Age Brackets

Saturday, October 1, 2016
Central Park
11200 Baseline Road, Rancho Cucamonga
See Your Race Time Here!
Avoid the Lines
Early Packet Pick-up & Late Sign-Ups
Friday, September 30 from 4-6PM
Day Creek Intermediate School
12345 Coyote Dr. Etiwanda, CA 91739
Race Day Schedule
7:00-7:30 AM Late Registration
7:00-7:45 AM Packet Pick-up
7:55 AM Mascot Dance
8:00 AM 2K Race
8:30 AM 5K Race
Early - On or Before September 23
$20 Ages 5-14
$30 Ages 15 & Over
Late - After September 23
$25 Ages 5-14
$35 Ages 15 & Over
Free - Children Ages 4 or Under
An investment in the Run-Walk is an Investment in Etiwanda Children.
Thank you for your Generosity.
Due by September 14, 2016
> Sponsor Logo on T-shirt front
> Your promotional material in "runner's bags"
> Sponsor to award runner's trophies
> Promotional table at the starting line
> Sponsor logo highlighted in E3 web
> 6 race entries
> Sponsor Logo on top center of T-shirt back
> Your promotional material in "runner's bags"
> Promotional table space
> Sponsor logo highlighted in E3 web
> 4 race entries
> Sponsor Logo on T-shirt back
> Your promotional material in "runner's bags"
> Promotional table space
> Sponsor Logo in E3 web
> 2 race entries
See your company's or family name on a specialized sign along our race course.
"This Step Sponsored by __________."
Vendors must have a business license from the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Electricity is not available, please no generators. Vendors must supply their own tables & supplies, and set-up & tear-down.
Email: Alicia_Lyon@etiwanda.org for information.