Runner's Step Sign Sponsor
See your company's name or your family's name on a specialized sign along our race course.
"This Step Sponsored by _____________"
Vendor Table
All vendors must have a business license from the city of Rancho Cucamonga (available at Rancho Cucamonga City Hall)
Electricity is NOT available. Please no generators.
Vendors must provide their own table and canopy and supplies.
Platinum Sponsor
6 Race entries
Sponsor's business logo or individual's name on the front of the t-shirt
Your promotional material given with bib
Promotional table space provided
Highlight sponsor's business logo or individual's name on E3 web site
Sponsor's business logo or individual's name on race day banner
Sponsor's representative to give out award medals
Gold Sponsor
4 Race entries
Sponsor's business logo or individual's name on the back top of the t-shirt
Your promotional material given with bib
Promotional table space provided
Highlight sponsor's business logo or individual's name on E3 web site
Sponsor's business logo or individual's name on race day banner
Silver Sponsor
2 Race entries
Sponsor's business logo or individual's name on the back of the t-shirt
Your promotional material given with bib
Promotional table space provided
Highlight sponsor's business logo or individual's name on E3 web site
Sponsor's business logo or individual's name on race day banner