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Innovation Grants FAQ


Grant application and information are presented on the E3 web site at


1.  What is an Innovation Grant?


The Innovation Grant is a mini-grant program awarded for innovative, creative projects that that advance the curriculum with the use of cutting edge instruction; that pilot a program; that encourage creative, innovative effort; that develop, inspire and/or motivate students; and that have a potential for longevity. These grants are intended for projects that do not have other means of financial support, such as school, district, PTA, or other outside agencies.


​2.  Who is funding the grants?


The Etiwanda Excellence In Education (E3) Foundation selects and funds the grants.


​​3.  Who may apply for an Innovation Grant?


Proposals are accepted from any Etiwanda elementary or intermediate teacher(s).This includes teachers who service Etiwanda students including but not limited to classroom, band, speech, special education, and preschool teachers. A team of teachers may apply for a grant, though one teacher must be designated as the actual applicant responsible.


​4.  How much money may a recipient receive? 


The E3 Foundation accepts grant proposals for up to $1000 each.  A recipient may receive the full amount requested, or the Foundation may choose to partially fund a grant. 


5.  How many grants will be funded?


The E3 Foundation establishes a total allocation limit for the Innovation Grant Program at the beginning of its fiscal year (July).  The number of grants awarded will be dependent on the number of grants received, the quality of the grants received, and the overall amount of monies requested. The Foundation may choose to fully fund or partially fund a grant based on a number of factors.

The yearly allocation is determined by the E3 Board each fiscal year.  For the 2023-2024 year, the allocation will not exceed $15,000. Depending on the above, the Foundation may choose not to fund the full $15,000.  


6.  How will the money be determined?


Funding will be based on the financial statement submitted with the proposal.  The applicant must show how the financial needs were determined. A detailed quote or order form must be submitted with the grant application. Tax and shipping must be included.  This amount cannot be modified after the grant is awarded.  Partial funding is often awarded. Applicants should discuss with their site administrator how the balance could be funded if awarded a partial grant.  The results of this discussion should be noted on the Grant Application where indicated. If costs increase during the review process, it is the responsibility of the applicant to pursue how additional costs will be funded. Should costs come in under budget, excess funds must be returned to the E3 Foundation. 


7.  What can the money be used for? 


The E3 Foundation is a non-profit 501 c(3) organization. With this status, the Foundation is limited to the scope and purpose of its activities in which it may legally engage. The Foundation may not advance the financial benefit of any one person. Therefore, the monies may NOT be used for salaries, stipends, training, contracts, or personal benefit.


The Foundation supports the purchase of interactive, engaging, impactful materials that will be used directly and hands-on by students--items that directly advance the curriculum for students. Our focus is on materials that have longevity and are sustainable from year to year. We tend not to fund consumable, non-sustainable items. Grant monies may pay for such things as instructional materials, equipment, technology/STEAM, instruments, books, and more.


The Foundation does not support items such as furniture, textbooks, and other items typically provided by site and district funds. The Foundation does not support giveaways, student parties, food items, or awards.


8.  How will the grants be determined?


The E3 Innovation Grant Committee will review and approve grants.


​9.  What are the Innovation Grant Application requirements?


The Innovation Grant requires the E3 Grant Application Cover page, a one-page narrative, and a one page financial needs assessment.


The recipient agrees to the following:

  1.  Photograph project, with student permission,

  2. Publicize awards and names electronically,

  3. Attend a Board of Trustees meeting to be recognized


The Foundation is always interested to hear about the implementation of your project, and your sharing of thoughts and ideas to inspire others. The Foundation would also appreciate a thank you via writing, photo, or social media posting, but is not required. 


10.  What criteria will be used to select proposals?


  1. Completeness of the application

  2. Compatibility of mini grant with existing school initiatives and practices and district guidelines

  3. Degree of innovativeness

  4. Degree to which it advances the academic program for the students

  5. Degree of promise for immediate and future successful impact on pupils  

  6. Degree to which the project may be maintained, replicated and inspire others


11.  When and how will the recipient hear if their proposal was approved?


Generally, grants will be due in mid-September, awardees will be informed via email in October and honored at an October Board of Trustees meeting, and award funds will be available by November 15th.


12.  Once awarded, how are purchases made?


After the Grant Committee determines awardees for the year, a check is written from the E3 Foundation to the school district; however, this does not mean that funds are immediately available. There is a lengthy accounting process from the time the District receives the check, clears the check, deposits it in the County and receives approval to transfer funds into the school site EGRT account to be spent. Thus, funds will not be available to awardees until November 15th.


When funds are available, the Business Dept. will inform the awardee, the site administrator and the site secretary. Awardees will work with their site secretary to initiate the purchase order process to spend the funds.


It is vital that:

-Purchases are not made until you are informed by the Business Dept. that the funds are in the EGRT account and available for use.

-All purchases are made via Purchase Order through a vendor, and not on a personal credit card.

-All items are shipped and delivered to the school site, not to a place of residence or other business.

-Funds must be spent by January 15th, or will be returned to E3 Foundation. 


Updated 8/2023

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